Shawnie Ikard
My son attended their summer reading program when he 3 years old. That program was such a blessing! My son is 10 years old now and because of this reading program he has always exceeded in reading and even in math! He loves reading so much and it all because of the teaching and cultivation of this reading program. We still have our book “The Journey of a Word Starts with a Letter”.
Lacetti Fields
Within 2 months of attending 1:1 tutoring sessions with Foundations 4 adVANCEment, my son has shown significant improvement in both letter sounds and recognition, addition, subtraction as well as learned several sight words and is able to now read short sentences. Mrs. Vance has taken the time to learn my sons learning style and does not use a "one size fits all" approach, but instead utilizes various innovative tools and approaches she has developed to provide an enriching experience and to keep him engaged. Mrs. Vance's dedication to teaching and to her students is unsurpassed and I am thankful that my son has an opportunity to work with her during these early developmental years.
Prescott Hilson
the foundations for advancement sets the bar high...and it's an attainable task for you and your baby...My son has made great strides in word recognition and with numbers, I'm very pleased with the program